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Dentures – Fairfax, VA

Smile Confidently Even After Tooth Loss

Losing a tooth as a child is a rite of passage, a sign that you’re growing up, but losing an adult tooth can be devastating. But it’s actually quite common—about 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth, and approximately 36 million have no natural teeth left at all. The good news is that whatever teeth you’ve lost because of gum disease, injury, or another cause can be replaced with dentures. Are you ready to smile again? Our team at MJM Family & Cosmetic Dentistry is happy to give your confidence a boost with personalized dentures.

happy older couple hugging

Why Choose MJM Family & Cosmetic Dentistry for Dentures?

Who’s a Good Candidate for Dentures?

a patient checking out her new dentures in a mirror

Have you lost some, most, or all of your teeth? Whatever the reason is for this, you may be eligible for dentures in Fairfax. While these prosthetics are lifelike and reliable, our team will still need to consider a variety of factors to ensure this solution is best for you. Once we’ve determined the ideal approach for renewing your smile, you’ll be sure to enjoy a healthy set of pearly whites without worrying about difficulties with your bite, speech, or appearance. Here’s what you should consider when it comes to being a good candidate for dentures.

Effects of Missing Teeth

a man smiling while missing a single tooth

According to the American College of Prosthodontists, some of the main culprits that can lead to tooth loss include periodontal disease, tooth decay, poor oral hygiene, and accidental injuries. Even if you don’t feel any discomfort after losing some or all of your pearly whites, you might experience some complications if you don’t replace them.

Since your natural tooth roots stimulate your jaws, having them missing can lead to jawbone deterioration which can end up causing any remaining teeth to shift out of place. You may also experience facial sagging, making you appear older than you are, and it’ll be more difficult for you to eat, speak, and smile confidently. By replacing your missing teeth, you can effectively improve both your oral health and overall well-being.

What Qualifies You for Dentures?

a patient smiling after getting his new dentures

As mentioned above, those who are missing any number of teeth may be eligible for dentures. Of course, you’ll also need to have strong and healthy gums and jawbone to support the prosthetics. That’s why the only true way to determine if you’re a good candidate for the treatment is to undergo an initial consultation with our team. We’ll assess your mouth and check to see if there are any underlying issues we’ll need to resolve before moving forward, such as gum disease or decay. In general, as long as your mouth is healthy and you’re committed to practicing good oral hygiene every day, you should qualify for dentures.

The kind of prosthetic you’ll get will also depend on your situation. Based on the number of missing teeth, you might receive a partial, full, or implant denture. This treatment is also cost-effective and best for patients who are on a budget.

Alternative Tooth-Replacement Options

a woman smiling after receiving her dentures in Fairfax

If you aren’t eligible for dentures, we can recommend alternative options for rebuilding your smile. These can include:

  • Dental Bridges: These prosthetics are reserved for people who are missing one or several teeth in a row. They consist of two dental crowns that are connected by pontics, and the process involves reshaping the adjacent teeth on either side of the gap to make room for the bridge.
  • Dental Implants: Instead of resting on your gum line, your new teeth can be anchored to your jawbone via dental implants. These metal posts will provide incredible stability, preserve your bone tissue, and can potentially last a lifetime with proper care.

Learn More About Dental Bridges

Learn More About Dental Implants

Types of Dentures

full and partial dentures

With dentures, prosthetic teeth (which usually consist of porcelain or acrylic crowns) are attached to a gum-colored base. Although each denture is customized according to your unique needs, there are generally two types of dentures: partials and full dentures. If you have some natural teeth left within the arch, a partial denture may meet your needs. In some ways, partials look a lot like a puzzle piece that completes your smile. On the other hand, full dentures compensate for total tooth loss.

Benefits of Dentures

older man talking on the phone

If you’ve experienced tooth loss in any capacity, you’re likely already familiar with the struggles of missing teeth. Biting and chewing nutritious food becomes much more difficult, and you can become self-conscious about how your smile looks with gaps in it. In the case of total tooth loss, even when your mouth is closed, it can collapse and give you a more sunken look. Dentures can restore your confidence, enable you to eat again, and keep your facial profile as youthful as possible.

Psychological Benefits

Woman happy about dentures

You may not think that dentures offer more than a functional and aesthetic benefit; however, their presence can have a positive psychological benefit as well. Each time you look in the mirror to see a full set of teeth or take a bite of one of your favorite foods, you’ll experience a boost in confidence and happiness – both of which stem from your mental and emotional health.

Clear Enunciation

Full set of dentures

As you become more accustomed to your new teeth, you will notice that your speech will improve. While it is true that a slight lisp may develop initially, it will dissipate over time as you begin to use your dentures in daily life. Before you know it, the sounds and words you make will sound clear, making it easier to talk to others instead of avoiding conversation altogether.

Improves Nutrition

Couple eating together with their dentures

A smile with no teeth is unlikely to get excited about eating certain foods. Enjoying a meal with family and friends might even seem impossible; however, once your new teeth are in place, you will notice a desire to eat the foods you love once again. As a result, you can take back your health and enjoy a nutrient-rich diet that benefits both your mouth and body.

Preserves Oral Health

Man at the dentist learning about dentures

If you have existing natural teeth, wearing a partial denture will ensure that these teeth remain in place and do not drift. Without prosthetics, they can fall out of alignment and cause additional oral health problems that require orthodontic treatment. Also, with dentures, you will notice a new desire to maintain your appearance. Although brushing, flossing, and rinsing might look a bit different, you’ll be more apt to take better care of your smile and ultimately improve your oral health.

Expands Opportunity

Businesswoman showing off her complete smile

Since dentures are not just for those who are retired, they can do wonders when it comes to expanding personal and professional opportunities. Whether you have a full, partial, or implant denture, it can help you make a good first impression when meeting a future employer. It can also give you the confidence needed to smile and enjoy a conversation with someone you just met.

Process of Getting Dentures

partial dentures

Before we create your custom dentures, we’ll take care of any preliminary work that needs to be done. This could include gum disease therapy or even tooth extraction. Then, we’ll take digital impressions of your mouth and take measurements so that the dental lab can be meticulously precise. You may need to come into our office a couple of times for fittings, but ultimately, you’ll have dentures that fit comfortably.

Implant Dentures

implant dentures

Modern dentures are much more effective than those of the past, but even with advancements in the materials and technology, dentures alone can only do so much. Unfortunately, they need to be adjusted often and replaced about every five to seven years. However, when you attach your dentures to implants, your dentures can last for more than 20 or even 30 years! Implant dentures also prevent the jawbone from shrinking, which means that you can retain your original biting strength and more easily maintain a healthy diet.

Dentures Aftercare

A full set of dentures in Fairfax

You might think that once you receive your customized dentures there are no additional steps to take. However, this is untrue, as you will learn from our dental team just how important it is to properly maintain your new teeth. Keeping your smile healthy and safe is crucial if you want to enjoy the many benefits these prosthetics provide. To help you start the process, we’ve compiled a few simple tips to make caring for your dentures simple and easy.

Removable Dentures

Man eating a nutrient-rich meal with dentures

Removable dentures are considered traditional prosthetics that are not anchored in place. Full and partial dentures use metal frameworks, natural suction, and denture adhesives, making it easy for them to remove when needed.

Remove After Eating

No matter the type of denture you have, it’s important to remove it after finishing a meal. Bacteria and food particles can easily accumulate, which is why taking them out to give them a thorough brushing can be helpful. It’s also beneficial to brush your gums and rinse your mouth during this time so that you can flush out any remaining debris that might otherwise try to attach to your dentures.

Clean Your Restoration

Dentures should be cleaned with a soft-bristled toothbrush, lukewarm water (hot temperatures can cause them to become warped), and nonabrasive toothpaste. Using many of the ones found on drugstore shelves can scratch the material used to create your dentures, causing them to appear dull and damaged. Our team will be happy to provide suggestions to help you find a toothpaste that works best for your artificial teeth.

Keep Your Dentures Safe

Receiving dentures is an investment in time and money, so making sure they are safe when you’re not wearing them is worth the effort. At night, you’ll want to make sure they are soaking and sitting in a cup at a level that cannot be reached by pets or young children. Keeping them out of reach will ensure they do not sustain any damage or become lost as a result of a sneaky toddler looking to have a bit of fun.

When cleaning your dentures, make sure to lay down a towel so that they do not break against the basin of the sink should they accidentally slip out of your hands.

Remove Dentures When You Sleep

While sleeping, you are advised to remove your dentures and place them in a soaking solution. This will not only benefit your artificial teeth but your gums and bone as well. Dentures need a thorough cleaning each night to rid them of any existing bacteria or dried saliva. Your jawbone and gums also need a reprieve after sustaining consistent pressure all day. This time allows your oral and facial structures to rest and breathe, regaining many essential nutrients that are lost while dentures are worn.

Also, removing your dentures reduces the potential for pneumonia, as bacteria thrive in dark, moist environments – the kind that exists between your denture and gums.

Notice Changes

When choosing dentures to replace your missing teeth, you know that their lifespan is usually 8-10 years; however, you may notice various changes before it’s time to have them replaced. Since there is no root to stimulate the jawbone, there is a good chance that you’ll experience resorption, causing the bone to shrink over time. When this happens, your denture may no longer fit properly. In this instance, you’ll need to contact our dental team to undergo a reline so that they continue to function correctly and fit comfortably inside your mouth.

Understanding the Cost of Dentures

patient smiling after getting dentures in Fairfax

Do you suffer from extensive tooth loss? You might be thinking about rebuilding your smile with dentures in Fairfax. However, you likely want to know what your overall cost will be before committing to the process. During your initial consultation, we’ll conduct an oral examination and explain which factors will affect the total price of your treatment. If you’d like to learn more about the cost of dentures in Fairfax, continue reading or make an appointment with our team today!

Factors that Affect the Cost of Dentures

patients smiling while getting dentures in Fairfax

Overall, three major factors influence the total cost of dentures in Fairfax. Some of those include:

  • Any preliminary dental work (i.e., tooth extractions, periodontal treatment)
  • Number of teeth you’re missing
  • Materials your denture will be made of (typically porcelain or acrylic)

If you’re trying to reduce your total expenses, you may be thinking about getting cheaper dentures. However, that’s not necessarily ideal because they tend to break more easily, meaning they’ll require replacement much sooner than you’d expect. It’s always best to opt for higher quality dentures because they’re considered a worthwhile investment.

Are Implant Dentures More Expensive?

implant dentures in Fairfax

Yes, but there’s a good reason for that. Implant dentures are more costly because they require oral surgery and the placement of multiple dental implants. For that reason, implant dentures are far more reliable day-to-day because they do not slip and slide around while in place. Additionally, they help stimulate the jawbone, preventing its deterioration and providing you with increased biting strength and longevity. Even though this option has a higher upfront cost, it can last for decades and won’t need to be replaced every few years.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dentures?

dental insurance form on table

Since dentures are considered a major procedure, most dental insurance plans will cover around 50% of their costs. Of course, every policy is unique, meaning the exact amount of coverage that’s offered can vary significantly from person to person. Before committing to treatment, make sure you confirm the details of your coverage with your insurance provider. Our team is more than happy to help with that process if needed.

Other Options for Making Dentures Affordable

dental professional explaining financing options

We understand that not everyone has dental insurance, which is why we offer additional options to help make your dental bills easier to manage. With CareCredit financing, you can split up the total cost of your treatment into smaller, budget-friendly monthly installments. There are multiple low-to-no interest plans to choose from, meaning you’re guaranteed to find something that works for you.

Are you ready to transform your smile with dentures in Fairfax? Contact our office and schedule a consultation today to get started!

Dentures FAQs

Senior couple with dentures in Fairfax sharing a milkshake

Dentures are a lifechanging tooth replacement option for people who are missing several, most of, or all of their teeth. However, you may still have some unanswered questions, so we’re here to help. Here are the answers to some of the most common queries we receive about dentures in Fairfax. If you don’t see the information that you’re looking for below, don’t worry. Give us a call and our friendly team would be happy to answer your questions and get you started with an initial consultation.

Should I Have All My Teeth Pulled to Get Dentures?

Repairing a damaged tooth whenever possible is always preferable to replacing it. Tooth extractions of any kind will only ever be recommended when deemed absolutely necessary, like when a tooth is too damaged to save thanks to extensive decay, severe infection, or trauma that has broken off most of the enamel. If all of the teeth in an arch are decayed or infected with gum disease, replacing them with dentures may be a viable option, but your dentist will always explore all of your options before recommending this.

Can I Sleep with My Dentures?

Dentists generally recommend taking your dentures out at night when you go to bed. When you first get your dentures, you’ll typically be told to keep them in your mouth for 24 hours, including when you sleep. After this, you should be taking them out every evening. Wearing dentures restricts the circulation in your gums, leading to soft tissue irritation and potentially speeding up ridge resorption. Taking dentures out gives the gums a chance to recover and get the nutrients they need during sleep. The dark, moist space beneath the dentures is also an ideal place for bacteria to thrive, so sleeping with dentures has been associated with a higher risk of pneumonia. Ultimately, it’s a good idea to take them out before catching some Z’s.

Will It Hurt to Get Dentures?

If you need to have teeth extracted before you’re able to get dentures, you are likely to experience some discomfort after the oral surgery. Take recommended over-the-counter and prescribed pain medication as directed and the discomfort should improve 3 to 5 days after the procedure. When you first receive new dentures, some minor irritation may occur while your mouth adjusts to the new appliance. The amount of time that the discomfort lasts will vary from person to person. If you switch to a new set of dentures, the adjustment process may take longer than before. If pain persists, give us a call.

Can You Kiss with Dentures?

It is completely possible to kiss while you’re wearing dentures. It just takes time to get used to how it feels. Since dentures don’t contain nerves like real teeth do, you will need to be cautious to avoid kissing with too much pressure. Remember to be gentle so that your denture doesn’t shift out of place.

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