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Dental Veneers: A Low-Key Solution for Crooked Teeth

September 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmurray @ 4:14 pm
Close up of a woman appreciating her dental veneers

You have one or more teeth that aren’t quite straight. The uneven line of your smile bothers you, but correcting the misalignment with a full set of braces seems like overkill – not to mention inconvenient. You’re not sure it would be worth the trouble to readjust some minor crookedness.

What if someone told you may not have to? Dental veneers can make small dental imperfections look like they never existed. If you’d like a more low-key solution to your bothersome angles, keep reading. This post will explain how it works!

Are Dental Veneers Orthodontics?

Nope; in fact, dental veneers are a type of cosmetic dental treatment meant to improve your smile aesthetics. There’s no metal, and there’s also no pressure-applying aligners. So how do they correct crooked teeth?

Dental veneers don’t fix dental misalignment so much as they conceal unfavorable leaning. They’re basically a façade for your teeth. Your dentist will adhere a custom-crafted set of thin, porcelain shells overtop of your troublesome pearly whites, hiding any flaws underneath their glossy surface. Thus, your smile will appear straight!

What Will the Treatment Process Look Like?

These dental cosmetics will look bulky and unnatural if adhered directly to your teeth’s outermost layer. They would also have a hard time staying adhered, because unaltered enamel is smooth, making it difficult for the “glue” to grip your teeth. To solve these dilemmas, your dentist will remove a tiny portion of your natural enamel – just enough to make room for your veneers and create a suitably rough surface texture.

Is Removing Enamel Safe?

In this instance, yes. Normally, worn out enamel is worrisome, since its primary job is to protect the more sensitive dental layers from bacteria and discomfort. However, your veneers will effectively replace your enamel as a shield. The porcelain material is highly durable. Actually, patients with weaker enamel layers often enjoy less dental sensitivity, because the veneers can more efficiently protect their teeth.

Are Dental Veneers Right for Me?

If you’re considering straightening your teeth with dental veneers, you should schedule a consultation with your dentist. They can examine your oral health to determine whether this treatment would be successful – if a condition like tooth decay or gum disease poses a risk to good results, they’ll chart a course to take care of it. They can also address any concerns related to your unique dental situation.

Reading up on dental veneers is one thing, but you can’t beat a professional’s advice! Call up your dentist and let them know what you’re thinking. They’ll help you achieve your dream smile.

About the Practice

Dr. Malcolm J. Murray and Dr. Ahmed Saadoon are top-notch dentists who diligently keep up with the latest developments in dental technology and research. Both are skilled with various types of orthodontics, so if you’re looking to straighten your teeth and are wondering whether dental veneers will do the trick, they’re the perfect dentists to ask! To contact their office, call 703-934-5540.

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