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Are Same Day Crowns as Good as Lab Made Crowns?

June 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmurray @ 12:35 pm
A dental crown.

If your dentist has recommended a crown for your tooth, you may be eager to get the ball rolling on the procedure. After all, the sooner your tooth is repaired, the sooner you can get back to enjoying the foods you love pain free and smiling with confidence. But you may have heard that lab created dental crowns can take a while to manufacture, often up to two weeks.

Enter CEREC. CEREC crowns are made the same day, right in your dentist’s office on CAD/CAM software and with the use of a milling unit. But are they as good as traditional crowns? Here are a few important facts about CEREC that you may not have known.


While some lab-created crowns can contain metals that could stain the teeth and that aren’t suitable for patients with metal sensitivity, CEREC crowns are made from solid ceramic or porcelain. This means that they not only look and feel like natural teeth, they are also very strong and durable.


Lab created crowns can be tricky. The lab uses an impression mold taken of your tooth, but sometimes the fit isn’t quite right. With CEREC, the CAD/CAM software creates an extremely accurate model from which to fabricate your crown with precision, so it is more likely to fit properly the first time. Should it require any adjustment, it can be done on site at the same appointment, so there’s no need to come back and try again another day.


The cost difference between same day and lab made crowns is typically quite minimal. However, in some cases CEREC crowns can cost a bit less. Plus, when you factor in the time and money you’ll save by not having to return to your dentist’s office for your lab made crown, CEREC becomes an even better value.

Am I a Good Candidate for CEREC?

If you are a good candidate for a lab created dental crown, you are likely a good candidate for CEREC, too. CEREC crowns are ideal for most people who need to replace a tooth that is chipped, cracked, has a large cavity, or needs additional protection following a root canal.

If you are interested in learning more about how CEREC crowns can provide you with beautiful, same day restorations, don’t delay. Speak to your dentist today and get back to smiling again!

About Our Practice

At MJM Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, our diverse team works in harmony to help you achieve your oral health goals. Whether we’re performing a general exam, applying a new set of veneers, or customizing a CEREC crown while you wait, we strive to make your experience as comfortable as possible.

To restore your tooth with the help of a CEREC crown, please visit our website for an appointment or call us at 703-934-5540.

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