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Outdoor Advantages: How Sunshine Supports Your Smile

May 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmurray @ 6:32 pm
Woman and man holding hands smiling walking on the beach

Summertime is just around the corner, which means longer, hotter, brighter days. Many people look forward to getting outside more, whether they’re hitting the beach, playing sports, or grilling in the backyard. Others avoid rising temperatures and opt to stay inside where they can make the most of their breezy air conditioning.

Did you know, however, that getting more sun can potentially improve your oral health? Many people are surprised to learn that there is a connection between the two, but exposure to ultraviolet rays increases your body’s production of vitamin D. This, in turn, can enhance your dental well-being in several ways.

If you are tempted to stay indoors all season, keep reading to learn how sunlight can strengthen your smile!

Sunlight and Vitamin D

Did you know that spending additional time outside can improve the condition of your teeth by boosting your vitamin D levels? This hormone can be found in foods like leafy greens, fatty fish, and fortified dairy. However, the best way to raise the amount of this vitamin in your body is through sunshine. Studies indicate that if you spend 15 to 20 minutes outdoors on a clear, bright day, then you can get all the vitamin D you need to support your system.

Remember, though, too much exposure to ultraviolet rays can increase the risk of skin cancer. Be sure to wear sunscreen and take a hat or other cover to protect your eyes!

How Does Vitamin D Support My Smile?

Vitamin D is essential in helping you absorb calcium and phosphorus from the foods you eat, which is crucial for more resilient bones and teeth. Those without enough of it might develop thin, brittle, or misshapen bones. That means raising your levels can lead to more resilient teeth. In fact, researchers have learned that it can lower the risk of tooth decay by 50%. That means getting more sun rays this season can also help you avoid cavities.

In addition to that, this ingredient also supports your immune system and helps it function more efficiently, which can prevent periodontal problems. Gum disease occurs when harmful bacteria form plaque along your gumline and between your teeth. They eventually penetrate below the surface and cause an infection. The tenderness and inflammation that follow are a result of your body’s attempt to fight it off. Having enough vitamin D makes it easier for your body to resist this dangerous condition.

By spending more time in the sun this summer, you can enjoy a happier, healthier grin.

About the Practice

At MJM Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, people of all ages benefit from the expertise of two highly skilled dentists who offer a full range of services under one roof. They believe that a strong, beautiful smile can enhance the quality of life by supporting your overall physical and emotional well-being. They combine a compassionate approach with state-of-the-art technology to enhance your comfort while simultaneously increasing the accuracy of treatment results. If you’re concerned about your oral condition and need a checkup or cleaning, you’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (703) 934-5540.

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